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Board Service

The Board of Directors acts as the leadership for the organization. As an all volunteer organization, the Board also conducts much of the organization's day to day business. YNPN Phoenix is a place people can stretch and grow in a safe space, as well as develop their organizational leadership & strategic thinking skills.

Board Member Expectations

These expectations are put in place to help hold our Board accountable to one another and allow us to ensure we are providing value to our membership. 

  1. Service Length: Commit to being on the Board for a 2-year term service.of Board

  2. Meeting Attendance: Board meetings are held on a quarterly basis and can be attended virtually or in-person. Active participation in these meetings is the cornerstone

  3. Committee Service: Board members are asked to actively serve in at least one of our four standing committees. These include Membership, Finance, Communications, and Programs.

  4. Retreat: Attendance Board members are asked to attend our two retreats that are held bi-annually in the winter and summer

  5. Event Attendance: Board members are asked to attend at least 75% of our 12 programs (10 events/happy hours + 2 Signature Events)

  6. $500 Give/Get Membership: referrals, in-kind donations that support budget goals, sponsorships and personal gifts all count towards the goal

  7. Champion: Represent YNPN Phoenix within the community

  8. Time Management: Spend the appropriate amount of time outside of meetings working independently and collaboratively to meet agreed upon  9. Goal Setting Develop individual goals while serving on the Board

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